Thursday, 1 September 2011


Well it's officially the beginning of Spring - and typically Melbourne, not a Spring day!

It's been an interesting week to say the least!

This time last week I was in Hobart for work, then netball on Saturday, church on Sunday and then the week began ... and not what I expected AT ALL??!!!

Hobart was lovely and it was the best place to relax (mainly as there isn't anything else to do :p), netball was great, my team won their last match and we only missed finals by %!!! Guest Services on Sunday was again phenomenal, I am truly blessed leading such an amazing group of faith-filled men and women!

Monday - well I had my doc appointment which I have been rescheduling for ages ... kinda wished I hadn't. After spending 20 minutes there, my doc did a prod test on me and then advised that I had to go get bloods ... urgently. Huh? I never have 'urgent' anything let alone bloods, and if that wasn't bad enough, she said that she thinks I may have acute appendicitis so as soon as the pain gets worse I need to ship myself off to hospital.

Ok hold up ... ARE YOU SERIOUS?

Yep, it's hard to believe but that all unfolded in a matter of minutes. Now apart from being mighty stunned, I called upon a few people to pray - this was not something I was going to leave to chance, and when two or three are gathered =D.

So off I went to my next activity for the day and afterwards, around 830pm I called my 'urgent' doc for the 'urgent' results. They came back normal ... but elevated ... ugh ... so still on 'pain' watch ... not ideal for the beginning of the week.

It has definitely been a challenging week in so many ways with health on the top of my list. Through my devotions this week it's been going through Habbakuk & Ruth where Ruth stayed with Naomi although she insisted she returned to her comfort zone & in Habbakuk 3:19 AMP "The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds' feet and will make me to walk [not to stand still in terror, but to walk] and make [spiritual] progress upon my high places [of trouble, suffering, or responsibility]."

Wow, who would've known (apart from God) that these references would be exactly what I needed right now.

God is so good & no matter what I will be determined - like Ruth, to persevere, to step and journey on the path which HE has laid before me =D.


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